Why is waste management important?Unlike hundreds of years ago, most of our waste increasingly belongs in the biodegradable category. This means simple waste management techniques such as burying and burning aren’t as effective any more. Here’s a few reasons why waste management is very important today…Waste management can be profitableRecycling and waste management can lead to bigger profits for companies – especially in the food industry. Simply by planning and portioning ingredients, as well as keeping an efficient supply chain, companies such as restaurants, supermarkets and food factories can boost profits by as much as 10%. This also applies to other industries such as construction – where tightening up stock control can save on waste and increase profits. Boost company reputation Efficient waste management and recycling can boost your reputation in your industry. Potential and existing customers will see you as a responsible and sustainable company that cares about the environment, the future and the population. It preserves the environmentUnfortunately we can’t simply burn all waste we come across. This is because it releases toxins, pollutes the air and can even contribute towards the destruction of the ozone layer. Some waste is hazardous and may cause harm to the environment. This includes plants, animals and habitats. Toxic materials can kill off living things and pollute bodies of water such as lakes and rivers. Reduces production costsAn incredible benefit of waste management is it can cut overall production costs in the long run. Recycling helps to conserve natural resources such as glass, plastic, paper and oil. Reusing these materials will place less strain on our natural resources and lower the cost of production. Increases safety in the workplace and communityWaste materials can be harmful to your workers, as well as the surrounding environment. It can save your employees and visitors from illness and accidents at work. This could include anything from putting your rubbish in the bin to sorting out waste into the correct recycling containers. Adheres to CO2 targetsCarbon Reduction Commitment targets can be set by local authorities, designed to reduce CO2 emissions. The 2008 Climate Change Act in the UK is one of the world’s first legal climate change initiatives. The idea is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% between the years 1990 and 2050. Effective waste management can cover this act, so your company will be up to date with all legal requirements regarding waste.
You’re probably aware that hazardous waste can be a serious problem. After all, it’s called hazardous for a reason. But do you know the sorts of issues such waste can cause?
At North West Waste, we specialise in waste management, putting together disposal plans that ensure your waste is disposed of the right way. So we thought we’d highlight precisely what problems hazardous waste can cause, and the importance of disposing it the right way.
Environmental Problems
These days, we’re more aware of the environment, with climate change and eco-friendly living featuring highly on news agendas. As such, it’s unsurprising that more and more people are taking an interest in how hazardous waste can affect the environment.
Simply tossing such waste into the sea, for example, doesn’t mean it sinks without a trace; it means that it’ll pollute the seas. There have been cases, for example, of whales who have enough toxic waste in their systems to kill a human – and enough to kill a whale too, it seems.
Storing it on land, too, can mean that hazardous materials, like chemicals in paint or batteries, infiltrate the soil and plant systems. Such toxins can also enter the water supply, which affects every living being: humans, animals and plants.
And all of that can lead to…
Health Problems
All living creatures can be exposed to hazardous waste in three ways:
Dermal exposure – where hazardous waste enters via the skin’s pores
Inhalation – where the waste is breathed in
Ingestion – where hazardous waste is eaten or drank
Consider water, polluted by hazardous waste. We could be exposed by each of these: we might breathe in toxic fumes as we shower, or splash it onto our faces, or even drink it. We don’t need to simply wolf down a glass of hazardous waste – in fact, usually, we won’t even know we’ve ingested anything toxic until it’s too late.
Depending on who has been exposed, and to what level, the effects of hazardous waste on the body can vary. Perhaps you’ll feel faintly nauseous, or severely sick; you might have headaches.
On the other hand, it could be far more serious. Over time, such wastes might cause issues such as liver failure, breathing problems or even cancer. Prolonged exposure may even harm off-spring, causing birth defects and reproductive disorders. At worst, failing to dispose of hazardous wastes correctly can even lead to death.
Correct Disposal
Such problems can be eliminated when hazardous waste is disposed of correctly. Here at North West Waste, we believe that it’s imperative to protect both the environment and the population. Because of that, we use our experience and expertise to reduce the effects of hazardous and toxic waste – by finding the disposal solution that not only adheres to all regulations, but also one that works for you.
Construction can be a messy business. Sometimes knowing what to do with all this mess can be confusing and the temptation to just chuck it all in a landfill can rise when the waste does.
UK construction makes up 35% of waste, filling up 36 million tonnes of landfill. Those numbers are only rising and it makes you wonder how long we’ve left of our landfills. This isn’t doing the earth any good, it affects the environment and spreads pollution and disease. We need better waste management amongst companies and individuals within the construction business. With the biggest proportion of waste coming from this industry it seems important to start controlling and managing the waste as soon as possible. Many other countries have already implicated methods that have cut down their landfill waste by 80-90%. Proving that waste management works.
Not only does waste management help the earth but it can also benefit the industry and the individual companies. Especially now with landfill taxes coming in, this is the time to become more concerned with waste. Some instant benefits from waste management are:
-Instant reuse. Recyclable materials at hand.
-Lower disposal costs
-No waste transportation costs
-The reputation of an eco-friendly company
But where do you start with waste management. As stated before, construction can create a lot of waste. What you should be aiming for is a zero waste to landfill policy. How do you manage the waste?
A lot of waste can come from over buying materials. While some may say this is just being prepared, it can mean having materials that are never used. By buying only what you need and accurately ordering, you’re already cutting down waste before you’re in the yard.
Make sure your storage areas are safe and weather proof. Damage to materials just ends with them in a landfill. The same goes for materials that are damaged in delivery, reject them. Let them be reused elsewhere.
Buying materials that are already recycled could be cost effective and earth effective. Consider the companies you’re buying from. Do they use recycled materials? How about recyclable packaging? If you can recycle everything it’s your step towards a zero waste construction.
Keep the site organised and tidy to ensure no accidental waste, throwing out materials causing re buying for example.
Recycling is a huge part of waste management and even big scale construction sites can do their bit to recycle. A way to do this is through waste segregation. This is separating out waste into a different sections. If the space is there this could include several different skips. For wood, plastics, mixed materials, inert waste and metals. If space is an issue that can’t be avoided and the cost of skips too much, there are other ways to separate waste through a tidy site and organisation. There are companies that specialise in waste management that a construction company can hire who will search through waste and find the recyclable materials. However doing it yourself could mean better results.
It’s the stuff that gets us going and sustains us every day, we frequently visit shops full of it and there’s a realm of television shows, blogs and internet website about it. But what happens to all that food?
It doesn’t always make it to our stomachs. In a 2013 survey of the commercial food sector, it was found that 12 million tonnes are discarded every year – much of which was avoidable. The commercial food industry has still not found a way to be more resourceful with its stock – which is good news for for those who make a living removing this waste.
The regulations and rules surrounding food waste are every bit as stringent and complicated as they are for food which is intended for our plates. What the food is, governs how it is disposed and where.
Firstly, anything that can no longer be eaten – by humans at least -is classed as ‘former food stuffs’; food that has come from animal by-products (ABP) – meat, fish and diary for example, regardless of whether they are raw or partially-cooked or completely cooked.
Raw meat fish and dairy cannot be taken to a landfill or used as animal feed. Slightly cook or cooked meat and fish, as well as ready-meals, pies and oils pose a slightly lower risk – they can be sent to a landfill but used as animal feed.
The lowest risk food is baking and confectionary products – not containing meat, fish or seafood – as well as oils and eggs. These can be sent to landfill sites or used as animal feed.
The highest risk category of ABP is raw meat, fish and seafood – this must be sent to an incineration plant. Manufacturers and caterers can send up to 20kg of partially-cooked fish, meat and shellfish to landfill every week, any other food waste can be sent to a biogas or composting facility. The lower risk category of food can either be incinerated or taken to an anaerobic digestion plant, or made into fertiliser, depending on their constituents.
Disposing of former food stuffs is heavily regulated and poses a number of issues. A thorough method for handling food waste is recommended, with improved waste management, which can lead to better practices and increased rewards for businesses.