Halloween Waste – The Living Nightmare

Halloween is a time for pumpkin carving, spooky costumes, trick-or-treating with the kids and overeating on chocolate and sweets until you feel the size of a pumpkin. But there’s a dark undertone to Halloween which is the excessive amount of waste that we produce.

This year the UK alone will bin over 8 million pumpkins after the Halloween, a quantity which is equivalent to the entire nation having pumpkin pie to eat. This number would be even larger however a campaign #PumpkinRescue has an annual goal to reduce this number.


Pumpkin Rescue uses everyone’s favourite spooky staple as a way to talk about the edible food we throw away and easy steps we can take to make the most of it instead.

It’s a celebration of food that challenges preconceptions, teaches new skills and has some fun along the way.

More information on how you can join the campaign can be found here:


12,500 tons of Halloween costumes get sent to landfill each year perhaps this year consider creating your own costume. From metal juice lids to milk jugs, you’ll be surprised what recycled materials can be used to creative, classy Halloween costumes.

If you simply don’t have the time to create a eco friendly costume consider donating them to your local charity shop so they can be used again next year.

Check The Label

Halloween props such as broomsticks and masks can become plastic waste however not all props are non recycable so check the label and potentially reduce your plastic waste. However DIY is far greener and more fun to create, using eco friendly felt to create bats or painting a wreath black to create a eerie masterpiece the possibilities are endless.

If you’re a business looking for help with your summer event waste management, don’t hesitate to get in touch with North West Waste to learn more about what we do.

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