Grow your own sponges to cut down on plastic waste
You’ve probably used a loofah sponge at some point your life, whether in the bath or for cleaning around the house but did you know it was made from a vegetable? A new campaign from the National Trust wants to promote home grow sponges to cut down on plastic waste.
At North Waste Waste household waste is an issue we campaign to reduce so we wanted to find out more about a potential solution that every home can implement.
Knightshayes Estate
Over 80 volunteers at the Knightshayes estate in Devon decided to grow loofah plants in order to supply the kitchen with zero-waste cleaning utensils. The first crop has been successful and now being used by staff using the sponges to wash their mugs and dishes. While some sponges come from the sea, loofahs are grown from the Luffa cylindrica, a vine in the cucumber family. The team currently grow 30 fruit which once harvested and cut into pieces can produce around 50 sponges which will be sold by the team in the onsite shop. These are, the National Trust has said, very easy to grow and suitable for any garden, and are “the same as growing courgettes”.How to grow your own sponge:
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