A Quick Guide on How to Control Your Construction Waste

construction waste

Photo courtesy of Forsaken Fotos(CC Attribution)

These days it’s more important than ever to look after the environment, after all, would you want your children and grandchildren growing up in a world filled with pollution, waste and filth?

Didn’t think so. It’s hard in all professions to keep waste to a minimum, and the construction industry is no different. One of the most important things you can do to control this is by exercising an efficient waste management system, and that doesn’t mean taking it all to the landfill!!

One of the key elements is the use of proper recycling. If you can do it in the home, you can do it at work too, and that way you can involve your staff in helping us send absolutely zero waste to landfill.

We all have a responsibility to do our bit, and it’s so easy these days, there’s no excuse not to. The only thing to remember is how different types if waste are recycled, and if not, how to properly disposed of. This is especially true of hazardous waste. The last thing you want is your Friday night fish supper to be contaminated with some nasty chemicals that have been carelessly dumped by a company just looking to cut corners.

There are some easy ways to cut down on waste if you think recycling sounds too hard. When you’re buying your materials, try buying only what you need, instead of buying what you think you might need in the future. This way, not only are you saving the amount of potential waste, you might also be saving money, and who wouldn’t want that?!

If you do end up with too much, why not see if you can put it to use elsewhere, or find out if anyone would buy it off you at a discounted price? This is much better than sending it to landfill, and you could make at least some, if not all of the money back on it.

As well as potentially recycling your own waste by trying to sell it on, it may also be worth looking into buying recycled materials. You may find them cheaper and this also goes towards your bit to cut down on waste at work.

If everyone does just a little bit, you can make sure waste management is easy. 

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